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Internet / WWW Services :

The World Wide Web or the Internet as we all know has generated a lot of interest in our country as has already been an immensely popular and successful medium for information exchange in developed countries.
In its simplest form, the Internet has enabled e-mail services. Through effective and secure programming techniques, the Internet also offers e-commerce i.e. sales/purchase transactions electronically through the Internet.
Many companies have realised the potential of this technology and have sought presence over it to multiply their trade and presence across geographical boundries. Once you have a web presence, you are all set to expand multinationally/globally at minimal infrastructural costs.

At ASCENT, we provide important services that immediately enable you/your company to reap the many benefits that the Internet has in store for you.
Much with our belief of "the quality of the product is as good as the inputs that go in building it", we recommend that before planning a web presence you must decide your strategy to identify your goal from the web presence and then delegate the work on it to ensure a positive response.
{Click here for guidelines on how to set your web presence in a Word Document (.doc) format}

Our Services for you on the Internet include :

Domain Name Registration : This is the first step to take towards building a presence on the Internet, as your domain name is a unique global identifier so if you register it first, you will have advantage over your competitors vying for a similar name.
We register domain names under the most common extensions like: ".com/.net/.org" and Indian specific ones like: ".in/.co.in" etc.

Web Designing : This is your logical next step on the Internet.
We design web pages according to client requirements. We offer suggestions to enhance their presence and functionality on the Internet. The techniques used in building the pages include the basic HTML, Javascripts, Java, CGI/Perl and Macromedia Flash.
{Click here to view some of our work}

Web Space & Hosting : We offer competitive web space and hosting packages. We are resellers to a well established and prominent web hosting company having their network with the national gateway and Internet service provider, VSNL.

Web Marketing : We offer to provide our services in assisting you to market and gain recognition amongst your potential customers. This includes banner advertising, search engine registrations, and link exchanges.

Email Solutions : We setup web based email accounts for every employee within your organisation through a single ISP based email account. This is a must for large organisations wanting to effectively communicate within their office and branches.

What all this costs : Just as no two organisations/companies, or their employes/clients are alike physically or functionally, similarly no two web sites/pages should be alike. Each has a unique product / service / concept to introduce or sell. Hence we prefer to give you a costing of the web services we provide depending on your specific requirements.


Do you have a different web-based service in mind other than the above?
Please click here to send us an e-mail with your requirement and we will respond at the earliest.


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